Working in partnership with our parents is of vital importance to support every young person on our programmes to achieve their potential.

  • Greenhouse Sports is committed to safeguarding children in sport and physical activity and we take our young people’s welfare very seriously.
  • We work hard to ensure that best practices are followed across the organization. We have a clear “Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy” and “Safeguarding Code of Conduct,” which outline guidelines for good practices and our code of conduct, and provide guidance on abuse, photography, communication, etc.
  • This policy extends to all our partner organisations and we work with them to ensure a consistent child protection policy operates across all programmes.
  • You can download and view our policy below and you can also follow the link to the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU).

Meet Our Safeguarding Team

To contact our Designated Safeguarding & Child Protection Officer call 0208 576 6118 or by email below.